Bujnicki lab - In the media


Video recordings of lectures

27.10.2015 "Restriction RNases for sequence-specific cleavage of dsRNA and RNA in DNA-RNA hybrids"
A scientific lecture (22min, in English) by prof. Bujnicki at the International Conference on Protein Engineering, October 26-28, 2015 Chicago, USA
18-20.06.2015 Video recording of the Polish Scientific Networks Conference:
1. Opening lecture by prof. Blikle
2. Concert on cello and loops
3. Official opening and discussion session (with all the VIPs!)
4. Session I: humanities and social sciences
5. Session II: science and business
6. Discussion panel: "How to strengthen relations between science and business in Poland?"
7. Session III: life sciences
8. Discussion panel: "Mobility as an element of a scientific career"
9. Session IV: hard sciences
10. Discussion panel: "Funding of research: grants vs statutory funds"
11. Discussion panel: "Models of academic careers"
12. Conference closing and summary
16.06.2015 "3D Modeling of protein-RNA complex structures"
A scientific lecture (32min, in English) at the Banff International Research Station (Canada), within the research workshop 15w5063: "Advances and Challenges in Protein-RNA: Recognition, Regulation and Prediction". 
26.03.2015  "Jak zdobywać granty?" [How to get grants?] 
A popular lecture (2h+54min, in Polish), at the Uniwersity in Białystok (Poland), about art of grantsmanship, as a part of the civic action "Więcej Dobrej Nauki" [More Good Science]


  Interviews and articles

12.04.2018 "Science advice for modern agricultural biotechnology
An interview with prof. Bujnicki (in his role as a member of the European Commission's Group of Chief Science Advisors), focused on the conclusions of the Explanatory Note on New Techniques in Agricultural Biotechnology, in particular in relation to genome editing in plants and the role of scientists in decision making. 
19.09.2017 "Ścieżki kariery" [Career pathways]
A panel discussion (in Polish), with participation of prof. Bujnicki, within the National Science Congress conference in Cracow
10.08.2017 "Trwa zacięta bitwa o prawa do technologii edycji genów CRISPR" ["An ongoing battle for intellectual property rights for the CRISPR gene editong technology"] An article in NaukawPolsce (in Polish) based on the interview with prof. Bujnicki and prof. Bochtler (both at IIMCB) about the current status and possible future of the gene editing technology from the scientific and legal points of view.
30.05.2017 "Bujnicki: nowe techniki edycji genów wciąż nie są ujęte w prawie" ["Bujnicki: new techniques for gene editing are still out of scope of the current law"]
An article in NaukawPolsce (in Polish) based on the interview with prof. Bujnicki about the current state of the so-called "new breeding techniques" with respect to the EU legislative system. The interview refers to the Explanatory Note concernig the New Breeding Techniques developed by the High Level Group of the European Commission's Scientific Advice Mechanisms (with prof. Bujnicki as one of the lead authors).
23.03.2017 "Ponad 30 naukowców apeluje: uczyńmy politykę merytoryczną!" ["More than 30 scientists appeals to make politics more evidence-based"]
An article in NaukawPolsce (in Polish) that refers to an open letter of Polish scientists (including prof. Bujnicki) to Polish politicians.
23.02.2017 "Droga do doskonałości naukowej dla polskich naukowców" [A pathway to scientific excellence for Polish scientists]
01.08.2016 "Naukowcy doradzają politykom: Bujnicki o misji wysokich doradców KE" ["Scientists advise politicians: Bujnicki about the mission of the high level advisors of the EC"] An article in NaukawPolsce (in Polish) about the role of the High Level Group of the European Commission's Scientific Advice Mechanisms, based on the interview with prof. Bujnicki, a HLG-SAM group member. 
19.07.2016 "Jak wykorzystać polski potencjał naukowy w rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii" [How to utilize Polish scientific potential for the development of new technologies]
A panel discussion (in Polish), moderated by prof. Bujnicki, within the conference "Polish Scientific Networks: Science & Business" in Wroclaw
20.04.2016 "Beneficjenci ERC: polski system nie sprzyja zdobywaniu grantów ERC" ["ERC grantees: the Polish system does not encourage the application for ERC grants"] An article in NaukawPolsce (in Polish) about the current system of science evaluation in Poland and its misalignment with the system focused on scientific excellence that underlines the European Research Council. Quotes from prof. Bujnicki as a particpant in the discussion.
05.04.2016  "Kierunki kariery młodych naukowców w Polsce" ["Career goals of junior scientists in Poland"] 
A radio interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and dr. Ajduk (head of the program committee of the Polish Scientific Networks 2016: Science and Business conference) in Polish Radio Program 1, by Krzysztof Michalski, about career paths of Polish scientists, involvement in applied research and work for or with the industry. 
23.03.2016 "Kiedy w Polsce bedziemy mieli Cambridge" ["When are we going to have Cambridge in Poland"] 
A discussion (in Polish) led by Paweł Siwek transmitted in Polish Radio Program 2, with prof. Bujnicki, dr Krystian Szadkowski and Piotr Müller, about international rankings of universities and condition of Polish system of science and higher education.
09.03.2016 "Porozmawiajmy o... (nauce)" ["Let's talk about... (science)]
A TV interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki in Regional TV Warsaw (TV Warszawa), by Krzysztof Michalski, about RNA, the miraculous molecule with unique shape-shifting abilities. 
25.02.2016 "Nauka i biznes – trudna miłość z widokami na przyszłość" ["Science and busines - a difficult love with prospects"]
An article by Anna Ajduk, in Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, about various approaches taken by scientists to commercialization of their scientific results. The article includes a number of statements from interviews with members of the Program Committee of the Polish Scientific Networks conference (second edition, 30.06-02.07.2016, focused on science-business relations), including prof. Bujnicki. 
21.02.2016 "Badania naukowe kluczem do innowacyjnej gospodarki" ["Scientific research as a key to innovative economy"]
A radio interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and dr. Krasiński (director of the National Contact Point) in Polskie Radio 24, by Grzegorz Frątczak, about the condition of Polish scientific institutions and about cooperation between the academia and the industry. 
02.02.2016 "Więcej dobrej nauki" ["More good science"]
An interview with prof. Bujnicki by Krzysztof Bielski and Aleksandra Kwika in Oblicza Neuronauki ["Faces of Neuroscience"] (in Polish, issue 5, pages 6-9), about his career pathway, activity in the Citizens of Science movement, grant writing and the "More Good Science" action, and about ideas for improving the science-funding system in Poland. 
10.11.2015 Press releases and news concerning the selection of prof. Janusz Bujnicki as a member of the first High Level Group of scientific advisors within the European Commission's new Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM):
- European Commission Research & Innovation News Alert
- Polish Academy of Sciences (in Polish)
- Polish Press Agency (in Polish) 
29.07.2015  "Życia Uniwersytetu - odcinek 171 / Prof. Janusz Bujnicki – młodość w bioinformatyce" ["University Life - part 171 / Prof. Janusz Bujnicki - youth in bioinformatics"]  - a TV interview with prof. Bujnicki (in Polish) for the Adam Mickiewicz University video magazine (00:03:00-00:05:48)
05.2015 "Modelowy wynalazca
" ["Model inventor"]
An article by Mariusz Karwowski
 in Forum Akademickie (in Polish) based on an interview with prof. Bujnicki, about his work on RNA and RNA_interacting proteins, and about inspiration from dadaism that prompt new scientific projects.
21.05.2015  "Mafia naukowa' z polskim rodowodem" ["Scientific mafia" of Polish origin]
A radio interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki in Polskie Radio 24, by Krzysztof Michalski, about the world-wide network of Polish structural biologists and bioinformaticians, as well as about Bujnicki's recent discovery of a ribonuclease that can cut RNA sequence-specifically, like restriction enzymes that cut DNA.
13.05.2015 "Porozmawiajmy o... (nauce)" ["Let's talk about... (science)]
A TV interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and prof. Joanna Trylska (CeNT UW) in Regional TV Warsaw (TV Warszawa), by Krzysztof Michalski, about the Multipole-2 conference [http://multipole-meetings.org/], about Polish crystallographers and bioinformaticians and about efforts to strengthen interdisciplinary and transatlantic collaboration in structural biosciences.
03.2015 "Co jest najważniejsze w nauce" ["What is most important in science"]
An interview with prof. Bujnicki by Jadwiga Dąbrowska in Kwartalnik Urzędu Patentowego RP ["Quarterly review of Polish Patent Office"] (in Polish, issue 2/2015, pages 12-16), about inspirations, creativity, innovations resulting from basic research, and importance of popularization of science.
14.02.2015 "Prof. Janusz Bujnicki i odkrycie "nożyczek" do cięcia dwuniciowego RNA" ["Prof. Janusz Bujnicki and the discovery of "scissors" for cleavage of double-stranded RNA"] - an interview with prof. Janusz Bujnicki in the "Homo science" program in the TOK FM radio station (in Polish) about his team's latest achievement and about various other issues, from RNA and nanotechnology to bioinformatics, distributed computing and citizen science. 
16.10.2014 "Nagroda Narodowego Centrum Nauki 2014" ["Award of the National Science Center"] - prof. Janusz Bujnicki 
Prof. Bujnicki speaks (in Polish) about his and his team's achievements in research, awarded by the National Science Center with the NCN Prize in Life Sciences.
11.10.2014 "Zawód Naukowiec" ["Occupation Scientist"] 
A movie comprising interviews (in Polish) with 11 "ambassadors of science" (including prof. Bujnicki) as a part of a promotional campaign of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
19.09.2014 "MISTRZ - prof. Janusz. Bujnicki"
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, for Radio Kampus, about his MISTRZ (MASTER) award from the Foundation for Polish Science.
03.09.2014 "Popularyzacja nauki jest naszym obowiązkiem" ["Popularizing science is our duty"]
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, in the "Teraz Polska" magazine (pages 44-47), about communication of scientists with society, including the general public, business, and governmental and non-governmental organizations. 
07.08.2014 "Masz szerokie zainteresowania i ciekawość świata? Będziesz świetnym naukowcem"
["Do you have broad interests and curiosity about the world? You will make a great scientist"]

Prof. Bujnicki speaks (in Polish) about being a scientist - as a job and as a way of life. Recording made as a part of Gazeta Wyborcza's "project: occupation" ("projekt: praca") 
13.05.2014 "IV Młodzi Innowacyjni" ["Young Enterpreneurs Forum IV"]: Janusz Bujnicki 
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, about the need for strengthening creativity in education in Poland, made during the Young Enterpreneurs Forum in Warsaw.
18.02.2014 "Najlepiej zacząć od własnego podwórka" ["Start working in your own backyard"] 
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, following his award in the Science category of "Poles with verve" plebiscite organized by PKN ORLEN.
29.01.2014 Janusz Bujnicki and Marcin Nowotny in "Porozmawiajmy o..." ["Let's talk about..."]
A TV interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and dr. Nowotny in Regional TV Warsaw (TV Warszawa), by Krzysztof Michalski, about their recent joint publication in Nature Communications and about challenges on the interface of basic and applied research
20.01.2014 "Metylotransferazy" ["Methyltransferases"]
An interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and dr. Nowotny in the Polish Radio Programme 1, by Krzysztof Michalski, about their recent analysis of human methyltransferases CMTr1 and CMTr2 published in Nature Communications ("Naukowy Zawrót Głowy" ["Scientific Vertigo"])
09.01.2014 "Polscy naukowcy ustalili struktury przestrzenne i mechanizm działania metylotransferaz!"
["Polish scientists determined three-dimensional structures and mechanism of actions of methyltransferases"]

Press release concerning the newly published article in Nature Communications (Smietanski et al. 2014), about the work on CMTr1 and CMTr2 methyltransferases done by the Bujnicki group in collaboration with the Nowotny group and Darzynkiewicz group.
29.12.2013 Janusz Bujnicki in "Inny Punkt Widzenia" ["Different Point of View"]
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, by Grzegorz Miecugow
24.10.2013 "Bakterie, komputery i dadaizm" ["Bacteria, computers and dadaism"]
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, about his research interestes and inspirations in art. Interview in the series "Nie tylko Skłodowska" ["Not only Sklodowska"].
01.09.2013 "Bioinformatyką w antybiotykooporność" ["Bioinformatics against antibiotic resistance"]
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, about his research towards the discovery of chemical compounds that could abolish bacterial resistance against antibiotics.
21.04.2013 "Lider zespołu badawczego - naukowiec i menedżer w jednym" ["Research group leader - a scientist and a manager"] and
"Jak skutecznie aplikować o granty ERC?" ["How to apply successfully for ERC grants?"]

A video interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, about his work as a group leader and about grant writing.
04.04.2013 "Leki przyszłości z grantów ERC" ["Drugs of the future from ERC grants"]
An interview (in Polish) with Prof. Bujnicki, about his early inspirations, current projects focused on RNA research, and plans for the future in the area of RNA nanotechnology.
08.03.2013 "Prof. Bujnicki wie, jak zdobywać prestiżowe unijne granty" ["Prof. Bujnicki knows how to win prestigious EU grants"]
An article (in Polish) based on an interview with prof. Bujnicki, about his experience with grant-writing and learning from failures.
03.03.2013 "The ERC, where dreams come true"
Video (in English) by the European Research Council with the participation of Prof. Janusz Bujnicki as one of Polish awardees of ERC grants.
01.03.2013 "Programy komputerowe pomagają zrozumieć RNA" ["Computer programs help us understand RNA"]
An article (in Polish) based on an interview with prof. Bujnicki, about his recent projects funded by the European Research Council: Starting Grant "RNA+P=123D: Breaking the code of RNA sequence-structure-function relationships: New strategies and tools for modelling and engineering of RNA and RNA-protein complexes" and Proof of Concept Grant "Engineered sequence-specific RNases: New reagents for RNA biotechnology"
20.02.2012 "Życie jest formą istnienia białka" ["Life is a form of protein existence"]
An interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki and dr. Nowotny (head of Laboratory of Protein structure in IIMCB) in the Polish Radio Programme 1, about the importance of studies of protein structure ("Evening of Discoveries")
21.11.2011 "Ojcowie chrzestni polskiej mafii bioinformatycznej" ["Godfathers of Polish bioinformatics mafia"]
An interview (in Polish) with prof. Bujnicki, together with prof. Filipowicz and prof. Wlodawer (members of the IIMCB International Advisory Board), and prof. Minor in the Polish Radio Programme 1, about protein (and RNA!) structure determination and prediction ("Evening of Discoveries")
25.04.2007 "Nagrody za prace nad komputerowym modelowaniem białek" ["Awards for work on computer modeling of proteins"]
An article (in Polish) based on an interview with prof. Bujnicki, about protein structure prediction, enzymes that modify RNA, and identification of small molecules - candidates for new drugs.