

Year First_Author Laboratory Title PubMed_id DOI
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2019 Dastjerdi-Khorzoghi, P. Javadi-Zarnaghi, F Targeting a viral DNA sequence with a deoxyribozyme in a preparative scale 31377192 10.1016/j.biochi.2019.07.022
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2010 Xiao, Y. Silverman, S. K Functional Compromises among pH Tolerance, Site Specificity, and Sequence Tolerance for a DNA-Hydrolyzing Deoxyribozyme 20923239 10.1021/bi1013672
2011 Xiao, Y. Silverman, S. K Merely two mutations switch a DNA-hydrolyzing deoxyribozyme from heterobimetallic (Zn 2+ /Mn 2+ ) to monometallic (Zn 2+ -only) behavior 21125108 10.1039/c0cc04575f
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2007 Kim, H. K. Lu, Y. Dissecting metal ion–dependent folding and catalysis of a single DNAzyme 17965708 10.1038/nchembio.2007.45
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2013 Liu, Y. He, J. Breaking the conservation of guanine residues in the catalytic loop of 10–23 DNAzyme by position-specific nucleobase modifications for rate enhancement 23615852 10.1039/c3cc42067a
2017 Lee, Y. Silverman, S. K DNA-Catalyzed DNA Cleavage by a Radical Pathway with Well-Defined Products 27935689 10.1021/jacs.6b10274
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2016 Ma, L. Liu, J. DNA Adsorption by ZnO Nanoparticles near Its Solubility Limit: Implications for DNA Fluorescence Quenching and DNAzyme Activity Assays 27166701 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00906
2017 Dhamodharan, V. Yokobayashi, Y. Large Scale Mutational and Kinetic Analysis of a Self-Hydrolyzing Deoxyribozyme 29058875 10.1021/acschembio.7b00621
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2017 Wang, S. Jiang, D. The Triple Roles of Glutathione for a DNA-Cleaving DNAzyme and Development of a Fluorescent Glutathione/Cu2+-Dependent DNAzyme Sensor for Detection of Cu2+ in Drinking Water 28723208 10.1021/acssensors.6b00667
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