

The 8–17E DNAzyme is a temperature-dependent DNA metalloenzyme catalyzing RNA trans esterification in the presence of Pb2+ metal ions. Labeling the stems of the substrate and DNAzyme with the Cy3 and Cy5 respectively, the considered DNAzyme was studied by the fluorescence spectroscopy. The temperature-dependent variability of the Pb2+-specific 8–17E DNAzyme catalytic sensor was investigated trough a number of successive temperature fluctuations from 4 to 25 °C to obtain information. Investigating underlined biochemical system reveals that in this sensor, free single strands Enzyme (Cy5-E) and Substrate (Cy3-S) have higher fluorescence intensities than hybridized forms, suggesting that the fluorophores are in a contact quenched. Increasing the temperature has three effects: 1) Fluorescence intensities for the free fluorophores were reduced, 2) stability of the hybridized form was reduced and cleavage of substrate in presence of Pb2+was occurred, and 3) conformation of ES hybridized form was changed (before cleavage). As a result of conformation changes in ES, S was more affected than E in the ES. Pb2+ ion shows quenching effect on both fluorophores and in the absence of N2(g) purge the effect was more considerable. A main goal that we had in mind was to find if significantly lower concentrations of Pb2+ and ES, compared to previous reports, can generate any observable cleavage in substrate. Analysis of the cleavage reaction for 50 nM ES indicates that S is cleaved at 25 °C in presence of N2(g) and 0.5 μM Pb2+, while in same condition no apparent change occurs in the 4 or 10 °C. The rapid, sensitive and low cost strategy presented here can be applicable to study temperature-dependent behavior of other nucleic acid-based biosensors.