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The alkaloid cryptolepine as a source of polyadenylate targeting therapeutic agent: Induction of self-assembly in the polyadenylate moiety

Overview of Chowdhury S et al.

AuthorsChowdhury S  Kanrar K  Bhuiya S  Das S  
AffiliationBiophysical Chemistry Laboratory   Physical Chemistry Section   Department of Chemistry   Jadavpur University   188   Raja S. C. Mallick Road   Kolkata   700032   India. Electronic address:  
JournalArch Biochem Biophys
Year 2021


RNAs have become a well-known target for chemotherapeutic agents in the recent years. The tails of most eukaryotic m-RNA are characterized by the presence of a long polyadenylate sequence which plays an important role in its growth and maturation. This lays emphasis on development of molecular probes that target the polyadenylate sequence. Cryptolepine (hereafter, CRP) is an indoloquinoline alkaloid well known for its anti-malarial activities. A series of spectroscopic experiments namely absorption studies, fluorimetric studies and circular dichroism studies show that cryptolepine binds with single-stranded polyriboadenylic acid (hereafter, ss-poly (rA)) with a binding constant of ∼5 × 10(3) M(-1) at 25 °C. Moreover thermal denaturation experiments show that the bound form of polyriboadenylic acid shows a characteristic transition profile. Such a profile is indicative of the ability of cryptolepine to induce self-assembly in the polyriboadenylic acid sequence on binding to it. Such ability of CRP to modulate the structural conformation of poly (rA), which in turn may cause functional aspects of the RNA to change, may give us a chance to develop effective alkaloid based chemotherapeutic agents.