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TbMP42, a protein component of the RNA editing complex in African trypanosomes, has endo-exoribonuclease activity

Overview of Brecht M et al.

AuthorsBrecht M  Niemann M  Schlüter E  Müller UF  Stuart K  Göringer HU  
AffiliationDepartment of Microbiology and Genetics   Darmstadt University of Technology   Schnittspahnstrasse 10   64287 Darmstadt   Germany.  
JournalMol Cell
Year 2005


RNA editing in trypanosomatids is catalyzed by a high molecular mass RNP complex, which is only partially characterized. TbMP42 is a 42 kDa protein of unknown function that copurifies with the editing complex. The polypeptide is characterized by two Zn fingers and a potential barrel structure/OB-fold at its C terminus. Using recombinant TbMP42, we show that the protein can bind to dsRNA and dsDNA but fails to recognize DNA/RNA hybrids. rTbMP42 degrades ssRNA by a 3' to 5' exoribonuclease activity. In addition, rTbMP42 has endoribonuclease activity, which preferentially hydrolyzes non-base-paired uridylate-containing sequences. Gene silencing of TbMP42 inhibits cell growth and is ultimately lethal to the parasite. Mitochondrial extracts from TbMP42-minus trypanosomes have only residual RNA editing activity and strongly reduced endo-exoribonuclease activity. However, all three activities can be restored by the addition of rTbMP42. Together, the data suggest that TbMP42 contributes both endo- and exoribonuclease activity to the editing reaction cycle.