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Methylangelicins: new potential agents for the photochemotherapy of psoriasis. Structure-activity study on the dark and photochemical interactions with DNA

Overview of Dall'Acqua F et al.

AuthorsDall'Acqua F  Vedaldi D  Guiotto A  Rodighiero P  Carlassare F  Baccichetti F  Bordin F  
JournalJ Med Chem
Year 1981


The interactions both in the ground and in the excited state between various methylangelicins, previously prepared with the aim to increase the low photobiological activity of the parent angelicin 1, and DNA have been studied. In general, the new methylangelicins show an increased capacity to photobind monofunctionally to DNA and a parallel increment of photobiological activity in comparison with the parent 1. This increase appears to be connected with various factors, such as the augmented affinity toward DNA for the dark complex formation and the electronic effect connected with the introduction into 1 of one or two methyl groups. The new compounds, on the basis of their photobiological activity and their lack of skin phototoxicity, appear as possible agents for the photochemistry of skin diseases characterized by cell hyperproliferation.