Modomics - A Database of RNA Modifications


NameGlioblastoma (A:m6A)
DescriptionIncreased m6A methylation protects against GSCs self-renewal, proliferation and tumorigenesis. The increased ALKBH5 expression in GSCs is associated to a decreased methylation of FOXM1 pre-mRNA.
Related RNA reactionA:m6A
Found in RNAmRNA
Modified TranscriptFOXM1
Mapping TechnologyMeRIP-seq
Quantification techniquesMeRIP-qPCR, m6A quantification

Enzymes connected to Glioblastoma:

Acronym Full name Enzyme Role Organism Comment
ALKBH5 RNA demethylase ALKBH5 oncogene Homo sapiens


ID Title Authors Journal Details PubMed Id DOI
1025 m(6)A Demethylase ALKBH5 Maintains Tumorigenicity of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells bySustaining FOXM1 Expression and Cell Proliferation Program. Zhang S Cancer Cell [details] 28344040 S1535-6108(17)30056-9
1026 FoxM1 Drives a Feed-Forward STAT3-Activation Signaling Loop That Promotes the Self-Renewal and Tumorigenicity of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells. Ai-Hua Gong Cancer Res [details] 25832656 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-2800