DNAmoreDB - A Database of Deoxyribozymes

DNAzyme description

 Reaction  Reacting groups  Substrates Product  Metal ion Linkage  Seq description
RNA cleavage Group 1 - 2'-OH of rA*

Group 2 - vicinal phosphate

specific cleavage at desired position Ni2+
PS-RNA linkage N *
 Catalytic region of the DNAzyme
A glycyl–histidine-functionalized tertiary amine moiety was inserted at the cleavage junction. Truncated version of Ni03a.

 Reported in...

Year of Publication First Author Laboratory Title PubMed ID DOI Reaction
2020 W Ren J Liu Selection of a metal ligand modified DNAzyme for detecting Ni. 32510338 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112285 RNA cleavage

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