DNAmoreDB - A Database of Deoxyribozymes

DNAzyme description

 Reaction  Reacting groups  Substrates Product  Metal ion Linkage  Seq description
RNA cleavage Group 1 - 2'-OH of rA

Group 2 - vicinal phosphate

S: cleavage in cis
specific cleavage at desired position Ce3+
RNA phosphodiester N 50
 Buffer conditions
50 mM MES pH 6.0, 25 mM NaCl, Ce(IV)
 Catalytic region of the DNAzyme

 Reported in...

Year of Publication First Author Laboratory Title PubMed ID DOI Reaction
2014 P-J J Huang J Liu Ultrasensitive DNAzyme beacon for lanthanides and metal speciation. 24383540 10.1021/ac403762s RNA cleavage

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